sustainable shopping? what do you think?

sustainable shopping? what do you think?

What is sustainable shopping, really? Can we be thoughtful about our purchases, and make sure to buy things that we know are going to last? Is it better to shop local? Yes, we think so! It's more likely that a small business is going to be transparent about their practises, and more likely that they will be sustainable due to a lower carbon footprint.

Sustainable shopping can mean different things for different people. For some people it means buying items made from recycled materials, for others it means purchasing ethically sourced goods or choosing products with minimal packaging. There are many ways in which we can reduce our impact on the environment by doing what seems best for us and our families.

One way to do this is by supporting local businesses rather than large corporations. Local businesses have a smaller carbon footprint than larger companies because they don't have to ship as many products across the country or around the world. This means less fuel being used and less greenhouse gases being emitted into our atmosphere. When you buy local products you help stimulate your local economy which helps keep money circulating within your community instead of sending it out of state or country where it might never return again!
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